Cat tail quiver meaning
Cat tail quiver meaning

cat tail quiver meaning

She is being defensively aggressive in order to ward off danger. Puffed tail pointing up and curling forward Source: Ī cat’s tail that is held upright, but concave, with the hairs puffed out like a pipe cleaner to make her look bigger and scarier, indicates a severely agitated and frightened cat. This cat tail position also indicates that your cat is happy and approaching amicably. You may notice that sometimes your cat’s tail looks like a question mark-it stands upright and curls at the end. Watch the tip of an erect tail – a little twitch can mean a particularly happy moment. When she holds her tail this way, she’s ready to interact, so it’s a great time to engage in play and cuddles with her. She is feeling happy and is approaching in a friendly manner (this is how kittens tend to greet their mothers).

cat tail quiver meaning

What your cat might be trying to tell you with her tail position Tail pointing straight upĪ tail pointing straight up is usually a sign of a contented, confident and sociable cat. Generally, a friendly cat uses her tail to decrease the distance between herself and others, while an angry or frightened cat uses her tail try to increase the distance. It ‘speaks’ not just through its position – whether straight up or down, curled up or down, or somewhere in between – but also by its movement – whether flicking furiously, swaying gently, or merely twitching at its tip. For example, a cat with a tail pointing straight up in the air, erect ears and flat fur is usually happy, while another who also has a straight-up tail but whose fur is puffed out and whose ears are flattened, is more likely to be angry or scared.Īlthough you should look at more than just her tail to fully understand your cat’s emotional state, the tail is perhaps the most expressive part of a cat’s body language.

#Cat tail quiver meaning full#

All these elements work together to send a message, so observing the tail alone won’t provide the full picture. Body language can be expressed via a cat’s facial expressions, fur and body posture. It can be as obvious as a loud hiss or as subtle as a gentle flick of the tail. However, cats’ tails speak a very different language to dogs’ tails, often leading to understandable confusion among the humans and dogs who share their homes!įeline communication comprises body language, vocalisation, and even scent cues that we humans can’t detect. Do you have any idea what your cat is thinking, feeling or communicating when her tail points up in the air, or straight out behind her? How about when it twitches vigorously or sways gently? Like dogs, cats use their tails as one element of their complex communication system.

Cat tail quiver meaning